Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26 (NIPS 2013)
Alessandro Perina, Nebojsa Jojic, Manuele Bicego, Andrzej Truski
In text analysis documents are represented as disorganized bags of words, models of count features are typically based on mixing a small number of topics \cite{lda,sam}. Recently, it has been observed that for many text corpora documents evolve into one another in a smooth way, with some features dropping and new ones being introduced. The counting grid \cite{cgUai} models this spatial metaphor literally: it is multidimensional grid of word distributions learned in such a way that a document's own distribution of features can be modeled as the sum of the histograms found in a window into the grid. The major drawback of this method is that it is essentially a mixture and all the content much be generated by a single contiguous area on the grid. This may be problematic especially for lower dimensional grids. In this paper, we overcome to this issue with the \emph{Componential Counting Grid} which brings the componential nature of topic models to the basic counting grid. We also introduce a generative kernel based on the document's grid usage and a visualization strategy useful for understanding large text corpora. We evaluate our approach on document classification and multimodal retrieval obtaining state of the art results on standard benchmarks.