Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The authors devise a new topic model that combines
gradual topic changes of counting grids with a mixture model. As a
byproduct the counting grid gives rise to new topic visualizations, as
word distributions are embedded in a 2D plane. This paper evaluates the
gains from giving the model the freedom to combine topics that are not
close in the 2D space---in analog to a teleportation step. The new model
is evaluated on three data sets.
The model extension is very
reasonable, the derivation is correct. I deem the integration of counting
grids into topic models as a valuable area of advancing topic models, that
seemed to get stuck over the last few years.
The experimental
evaluation on three data sets is rich with insight. The authors compares
the model to a reasonable selection of related models, including counting
grids without the extension.
The paper is well-written and
My only complaint is that the extension is rather
straight-forward, where the main part of the paper is dedicated to
introducing counting grids. On the other hand we appreciate the in-depth
evaluation on the gains of this extension.
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
A reasonable extension to counting grid topic models.
Convincing approach and experimental evaluation. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The paper presents an LDA-style mixed membership model
where the component distributions are counting grids. Each document is a
Dirichlet mixture over windows into the grid. Each window is a uniform
distribution over the cells contained in that window. Each cell in the
grid is a distribution over the vocabulary. The method is evaluated using
classification accuracy, embedding quality, AUC in a retrieval task, and a
visualization example.
I like this paper a lot. I think it's
marginally above the accept threshold as is, and could be substantially
improved with another round of revisions. I gave it an "incremental", but
it's more like a 1.499.
The introduction does a reasonably good
job presenting the basic intuition of the paper, that words often appear
in a smooth continuum rather than distinct topics, and that the
single-window model is too restrictive for real documents. Figure 1 is a
bit of a missed opportunity. 1a works for me, but I found 1b and 1c
confusing. A simpler toy example might be better, especially if it could
be merged with Figure 2b.
I had a hard time moving from the
introduction to section 2. In part, I felt there was a lot of technical
terminology floating around, some of it redundant. What is a source, for
example, or a bag? Are these cells and documents? I would pick a small set
of concrete terms and use them consistently in both sections. Avoid
In Sect 2:
I would call pi_i(z) a distribution
over the vocabulary, not a set of normalized counts. The latter may be its
actual implementation in an algorithm, but here we're defining the model
in the abstract. Give an example: pi_{1,1}("pizza") is the probability of
the word "pizza" in the top left cell (or similar, if that's not correct)
What's a sample? Is that a document?
What is Z? The size
of the vocabulary or the size of the grid? The variable z means "hidden
variable" to me.
I'm really looking for a toy example.
Give an example for W, like 3x3.
Actually, I might
restrict the initial presentation to square windows in 2D grids, for the
sake of simplicity of notation, and then comment that the model is easily
extended to d-dimensional grids and arbitrary window sizes.
don't see why the number of non-overlapping windows is equivalent to the
number of topics. The whole point is that the windows can overlap, no?
Overlapping windows don't represent independent topics, but they do add
modeling power, and that has to be taken into account for a fair
comparison. Also, give a formula for kappa explicitly: it's not
unambiguous right now (which ratio?).
I would rewrite section 2
around a step-by-step generative model. To generate a document, you first
pick a distribution over windows. Then to generate each word, you pick a
window, then pick a cell within the window, and finally pick a word from
the cell.
The connection to LDA (windows of size 1x1) would be
good to point out here.
It took a moment to figure out that U^W
was a uniform distribution over a window. It looked like a matrix
multiplication at first.
"Locations in the grid generate similar
features" -- does this mean that the words in neighboring cells are
semantically similar (but the words themselves differ), or that the
distributions themselves are similar?
"The number of sources must
not be specified..." First, I think this should be "need not be" -- "must
not be" implies that you will get in trouble if you do! Second, I'm not
sure what this means. The rest of the paper seems to assume that all
dimensions are known in advance. Also, I'm still not sure what sources are
(cells? windows?).
I didn't follow the marginalization step. I'd
like a bit more explanation. If space is needed, variational update
equations are an excellent candidate for supplementary material.
Distinguish between variables and distributions, and avoid
referring to symbol alone: "the new updates for the cell distributions
q(k) and the window distributions q(l) ..."
The comparison to
Dunson et al is reasonable, but it might be worth talking about what is
lost by using a grid rather than a continuous space.
Section 2.1
seems like a tangent.
I didn't see held-out
likelihood tests. It's not trivial for LDA. How would they be computed for
this model?
I'd like to see a linear SVM used for document
classification, in addition to the nearest neighbor method (I'm assuming
that's BOW?).
See my earlier concerns about using "capacity" as a
measure of approximate # of topics. Why not just the number of grid cells?
In some sense CCG is just a fancier correlated distribution over the
cells, like CTM or PAM.
The Euclidean embedding section is
interesting. I'd like to see more of it.
What are the visual
words? Are they given with the data set?
On the whole I buy the
visualization aspect, because the word distributions are intrinsically
embedded in a 2D space. I'd like to see more development of this idea. How
would people use this embedding to learn something about the corpus? I
didn't find Figure 5 particularly compelling for the fry/deep fry
distinction, but the cluster of words that I associate with Indian recipes
in the bottom right was interesting. Q2: Please summarize
your review in 1-2 sentences
An interesting twist on topic models, with a more
psychologically plausible notion of semantic gradients, and an intrinsic
connection to visualization interfaces. Presentation is confusing, and
results could be strengthened. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper describes a creative alternative for topic
modeling: mixed-membership on a "counting grid." The advantage of this
approach seems to be that you can move smoothly across the grid,
achieving a high effective number of topics while the spatial
smoothing prevents overfitting. The disadvantage seems to be that
there are more parameters (grid dimension and size, and window size).
A variational inference procedure that is somewhat to LDA is possible,
although no speed/complexity comparisons are provided. The spatial
nature of the approach has potential advantages for visualization as
One major problem for the paper is that the presentation is
quite confusing. This is partly due to the writing, which could
generally use a closer edit and more attention to detail. The
mathematical notation is also confusing, with too many variable names
and some inconsistency. For the probability of a word, we have four
different notations.
pi(z) pi(w_n) h_{i,z} p(w_n |
k_n, \pi)
I think the paper could survive with just two:
p_{W|K}(w | K = k) -- the probability of a word, conditioned on a draw
directly from location k p_{W|L}(w | L = l) -- the probability of a
word, conditioned on a window centered on location l
p_{W|L}(w | L = l) \propto \sum_{k \in W_l} p_{W|K}(w | K = k)
p_{K|L}(k | L = k),
where the last term has been defined to be
uniform later in the paper (this is not clear in Figure 2). Avoid
capital I as a variable name, especially in a sans-serif font.
The variational approximation seems to include a term q(\theta),
but this is never updated; rather, theta is updated directly in
equation (5). This may be connected with the definition of q(\theta)
as a "Dirac function centered at the optimal value theta_hat," but
theta_hat is never defined or updated. I think it would make more
sense just to treat this as a parameter and not bother to define
The note that the "minimization procedure can be
carried out efficiently in O(n log n) using FFTs" is not helpful. At a
minimum, the reader needs a citation to a paper that explains how to
do this; but really, give specifics in an appendix. Also, please
explain what is n, and how it depends on the window size, vocabulary
size, and number of word tokens.
The marginalized updates (9)
and (10) are presented in terms of the overall likelihood rather than
the variational bound. It is indeed interesting that these updates
don't depend on each other, although it's a little misleading. If they
were truly decoupled, there would be no point in having l, as it would
be decoupled from the observations w. In fact, the update for q(l)
affects theta, which in turn affects the update for q(k); conversely,
the update for q(k) affects \pi, which in turn affects q(l).
The empirical results seem strong, beating published work on the
20 news task, and also on a new document classification datasets
(although the mind boggles that new document classification datasets
are still felt to be necessary). What is the meaning of the multiple
shadings of the circles in Figure 3? How were the model parameters
(grid size, dimensionality, window size) determined in the multimodal
retrieval and euclidean embedding experiments?
visualization application seems interesting, although it seems
possible for individual words to appear in multiple positions, and
this has happened in Figure 5 for a few words (e.g., chicken).
Wouldn't this be confusing for users?
Q2: Please
summarize your review in 1-2 sentences
Creative idea, confusing presentation.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
We thank the reviewers for positive scores and even
much more positive comments. Since [3] is new and somewhat overlooked, we
feel that this paper will serve both the purpose of popularizing the main
idea of counting grids and making a significant step ahead in topic
models, as the reviewers imply. This will make impact in various
communities beyond ML such as NLP, Visualization, HCI, Neuroscience, CV.
*R1* Yes, Rome was not built in one day. Whenever a relatively new
model is extended, part of the audience asks that the paper stands on its
own, as the basic idea has not yet been digested. A significant fraction
of time it is one of the extensions that finally alerts the community to
the recent overlooked developments, and this makes it even more important
for early papers to properly review the basic idea -- in this case [3]. So
we explain this basic idea before moving to componential structure, which
significantly enriches the model.
*R2* We will follow the
suggestions to prepare the final version which will meet the expectations.
The overlapping windows (h at nearby locations) have similar feature
distributions because they share many cells. pi can have variable
neighboring distributions, though they do tend to be semantically similar.
Regarding the capacity, CCG has as many topics as cells in the grid
since the window, regardless of its size could be positioned to start at
any of the cells, each time yielding a new distribution over words.
However, the differences for two highly overlapping windows are very
small. So compared with LDA where topics are less constrained, CCG uses a
much larger number of topics, but they only differ from their neighbors
slightly. However, any LDA model can be turned into a CCG model of any
size by simply designating large enough nonoverlapping windows to topics,
filling them with words in one of many ways so that the sum (h) represents
the topic distribution, and then using a prior over locations in the grid
so that hybrid (overlapping windows) are forbidden. Thinking of a capacity
of the grid as equal to the size of the grid would be a bit misleading,
since we can train a 100X100 model on 100 datapoints without overfitting
and even underfit when W=99X99. On the other hand, if the data is truly
generated from an LDA model, the learned grid would, theoretically be
learned to spread the topics into non-overlapping windows. Thus the notion
of capacity as we use it in the paper k=|E|/|W|. Lack of space
prohibited further discussion of Eucl. embedding methods. For example,
CCG’s embedding better preserves the original distances that are below a
certain threshold: the correlation between the cosine distance between the
counts and the symmetric KL divergence between theta’s (grid location
posterior) is higher than the correlation with the Euclidean distance in
the spaces provided by LLE and ISOMAP when the analysis is limited to
document pairs with small distances (\rho=~0.4 vs ~0.3 after CE - all
documents are embedded but we only look at how well small distances are
preserved). This is especially important in visualization, where we mostly
only care about small distances Visual words are, as in [7], quantized
sift descriptors extracted from the images. In Tab.1, BOW is the
result of linear SVM. Regarding held-out likelihood, different models,
even different learning algorithms, are hard to compare [9], and the
comparisons often do not translate to performance differences in
applications. In addition, CCGs subsume LDA, which means that some
advantage for CCGs is expected by default in such tests. Regarding the
browsing applications, our experience shows that the grid consumption
makes it much easier for us to formulate search expressions which filter
the grid. This is because each word in the grid is accompanied by related
words, stimulating users’ own thinking in terms of word associations (word
embedding is close to mapping, so the user suddenly realizes that
searching for mapping rather than embedding will find more journal papers
related to our submission). Additionally docs that use the same word in
different contexts are separated into different spatial clusters and this
help disambiguation. Finally, even if the user is after a relatively
specific subset of documents, and though they can find them quickly using
our interface, the user gets exposed to a variety of terms form other
documents embedded nearby, serving a similar purpose that peripheral
vision provides in vision: establishing context, and providing additional
vague awareness of other related content that might be useful in the near
*R3* CCGs may seem to require more parameters be set than
LDA, but this is not true in practice as once the W is “sufficiently big”
(>3x3), the main parameter that matters is the ratio between grid and
window areas. In Fig.3, the shaded circles indicate the CG area (see ln
300). The fact that the same word can appear in multiple positions (if
needed) is one of the points we didn’t emphasize enough! As opposed to
previous co-occurrence embedding methods that consider all pairs of words,
our representation naturally captures the same word appearing in different
multi-word contexts. The word “memory” in the Science magazine corpus is a
striking example (memory in neruoscience, memory in electronic devices,
immunologic memory). For the most part, presenting a raw grid does make
sense to the users once they get used to the presentation: a prominent
word is prominent locally and derives one of its multiple meanings from
its neighbors. The repetition of one word in nearby positions may seem
odd, so we used a simple heuristic to prevent this. In each task we
employed the dataset author’s validation partition and protocol; if not
available, we used 10% of the training data as validation set. We will
clarify this in the introduction of Sec.5. We thank R3 for the helpful
suggestions regarding the notation and cleaning up the math section.
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