Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21 (NIPS 2008)
Ping Li, Kenneth W. Church, Trevor J. Hastie
Conditional Random Sampling (CRS) was originally proposed for efficiently computing pairwise (l2, l1) distances, in static, large-scale, and sparse data sets such as text and Web data. It was previously presented using a heuristic argument. This study extends CRS to handle dynamic or streaming data, which much better reflect the real-world situation than assuming static data. Compared with other known sketching algorithms for dimension reductions such as stable random projections, CRS exhibits a significant advantage in that it is one-sketch-for-all.'' In particular, we demonstrate that CRS can be applied to efficiently compute the lp distance and the Hilbertian metrics, both are popular in machine learning. Although a fully rigorous analysis of CRS is difficult, we prove that, with a simple modification, CRS is rigorous at least for an important application of computing Hamming norms. A generic estimator and an approximate variance formula are provided and tested on various applications, for computing Hamming norms, Hamming distances, and χ2 distances.