Occ3D: A Large-Scale 3D Occupancy Prediction Benchmark for Autonomous Driving

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023) Datasets and Benchmarks Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Xiaoyu Tian, Tao Jiang, Longfei Yun, Yucheng Mao, Huitong Yang, Yue Wang, Yilun Wang, Hang Zhao


Robotic perception requires the modeling of both 3D geometry and semantics. Existing methods typically focus on estimating 3D bounding boxes, neglecting finer geometric details and struggling to handle general, out-of-vocabulary objects. 3D occupancy prediction, which estimates the detailed occupancy states and semantics of a scene, is an emerging task to overcome these limitations.To support 3D occupancy prediction, we develop a label generation pipeline that produces dense, visibility-aware labels for any given scene. This pipeline comprises three stages: voxel densification, occlusion reasoning, and image-guided voxel refinement. We establish two benchmarks, derived from the Waymo Open Dataset and the nuScenes Dataset, namely Occ3D-Waymo and Occ3D-nuScenes benchmarks. Furthermore, we provide an extensive analysis of the proposed dataset with various baseline models. Lastly, we propose a new model, dubbed Coarse-to-Fine Occupancy (CTF-Occ) network, which demonstrates superior performance on the Occ3D benchmarks.The code, data, and benchmarks are released at \url{https://tsinghua-mars-lab.github.io/Occ3D/}.