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Bottleneck Structure in Learned Features: Low-Dimension vs Regularity Tradeoff

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 36 (NeurIPS 2023) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Arthur Jacot


Previous work has shown that DNNs withlarge depth L and L2-regularization are biased towards learninglow-dimensional representations of the inputs, which can be interpretedas minimizing a notion of rank R(0)(f) of the learned functionf, conjectured to be the Bottleneck rank. We compute finite depthcorrections to this result, revealing a measure R(1) of regularitywhich bounds the pseudo-determinant of the Jacobian and is subadditive under composition and addition. This formalizesa balance between learning low-dimensional representations and minimizingcomplexity/irregularity in the feature maps, allowing the networkto learn the `right' inner dimension. Finally, we prove the conjecturedbottleneck structure in the learned features as L\to\infty: forlarge depths, almost all hidden representations are approximatelyR^{(0)}(f)-dimensional, and almost all weight matrices W_{\ell}have R^{(0)}(f) singular values close to 1 while the others areO(L^{-\frac{1}{2}}). Interestingly, the use of large learning ratesis required to guarantee an order O(L) NTK which in turns guaranteesinfinite depth convergence of the representations of almost all layers.