Efficient Graph Similarity Computation with Alignment Regularization

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35 (NeurIPS 2022) Main Conference Track

Bibtex Paper Supplemental


Wei Zhuo, Guang Tan


We consider the graph similarity computation (GSC) task based on graph edit distance (GED) estimation. State-of-the-art methods treat GSC as a learning-based prediction task using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). To capture fine-grained interactions between pair-wise graphs, these methods mostly contain a node-level matching module in the end-to-end learning pipeline, which causes high computational costs in both the training and inference stages. We show that the expensive node-to-node matching module is not necessary for GSC, and high-quality learning can be attained with a simple yet powerful regularization technique, which we call the Alignment Regularization (AReg). In the training stage, the AReg term imposes a node-graph correspondence constraint on the GNN encoder. In the inference stage, the graph-level representations learned by the GNN encoder are directly used to compute the similarity score without using AReg again to speed up inference. We further propose a multi-scale GED discriminator to enhance the expressive ability of the learned representations. Extensive experiments on real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness, efficiency and transferability of our approach.