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Solving Random Systems of Quadratic Equations via Truncated Generalized Gradient Flow

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS 2016)

Bibtex Metadata Paper Reviews Supplemental


Gang Wang, Georgios Giannakis


This paper puts forth a novel algorithm, termed \emph{truncated generalized gradient flow} (TGGF), to solve for \bmxRn/Cn a system of m quadratic equations yi=|\bmai,\bmx|2, i=1,2,,m, which even for {\bmaiRn/Cn}mi=1 random is known to be \emph{NP-hard} in general. We prove that as soon as the number of equations m is on the order of the number of unknowns n, TGGF recovers the solution exactly (up to a global unimodular constant) with high probability and complexity growing linearly with the time required to read the data {(\bmai;yi)}mi=1. Specifically, TGGF proceeds in two stages: s1) A novel \emph{orthogonality-promoting} initialization that is obtained with simple power iterations; and, s2) a refinement of the initial estimate by successive updates of scalable \emph{truncated generalized gradient iterations}. The former is in sharp contrast to the existing spectral initializations, while the latter handles the rather challenging nonconvex and nonsmooth \emph{amplitude-based} cost function. Numerical tests demonstrate that: i) The novel orthogonality-promoting initialization method returns more accurate and robust estimates relative to its spectral counterparts; and ii) even with the same initialization, our refinement/truncation outperforms Wirtinger-based alternatives, all corroborating the superior performance of TGGF over state-of-the-art algorithms.