Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS 2012)
Aharon Birnbaum, Shai S. Shwartz
Given α,ϵ, we study the time complexity required to improperly learn a halfspace with misclassification error rate of at most (1+α)L∗γ+ϵ, where L∗γ is the optimal γ-margin error rate. For α=1/γ, polynomial time and sample complexity is achievable using the hinge-loss. For α=0, \cite{ShalevShSr11} showed that \poly(1/γ) time is impossible, while learning is possible in time exp(˜O(1/γ)). An immediate question, which this paper tackles, is what is achievable if α∈(0,1/γ). We derive positive results interpolating between the polynomial time for α=1/γ and the exponential time for α=0. In particular, we show that there are cases in which α=o(1/γ) but the problem is still solvable in polynomial time. Our results naturally extend to the adversarial online learning model and to the PAC learning with malicious noise model.