Joint Cascade Optimization Using A Product Of Boosted Classifiers

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 23 (NIPS 2010)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Leonidas Lefakis, Francois Fleuret


The standard strategy for efficient object detection consists of building a cascade composed of several binary classifiers. The detection process takes the form of a lazy evaluation of the conjunction of the responses of these classifiers, and concentrates the computation on difficult parts of the image which can not be trivially rejected. We introduce a novel algorithm to construct jointly the classifiers of such a cascade. We interpret the response of a classifier as a probability of a positive prediction, and the overall response of the cascade as the probability that all the predictions are positive. From this noisy-AND model, we derive a consistent loss and a Boosting procedure to optimize that global probability on the training set. Such a joint learning allows the individual predictors to focus on a more restricted modeling problem, and improves the performance compared to a standard cascade. We demonstrate the efficiency of this approach on face and pedestrian detection with standard data-sets and comparisons with reference baselines.