Adaptive Quantization and Density Estimation in Silicon

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 15 (NIPS 2002)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


David Hsu, Seth Bridges, Miguel Figueroa, Chris Diorio


We present the bump mixture model, a statistical model for analog data where the probabilistic semantics, inference, and learning rules derive from low-level transistor behavior. The bump mixture model relies on translinear circuits to perform probabilistic infer- ence, and floating-gate devices to perform adaptation. This system is low power, asynchronous, and fully parallel, and supports vari- ous on-chip learning algorithms. In addition, the mixture model can perform several tasks such as probability estimation, vector quanti- zation, classification, and clustering. We tested a fabricated system on clustering, quantization, and classification of handwritten digits and show performance comparable to the E-M algorithm on mix- tures of Gaussians.