Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 10 (NIPS 1997)
Bill Baird
We have developed a neural network architecture that implements a the(cid:173) ory of attention, learning, and trans-cortical communication based on adaptive synchronization of 5-15 Hz and 30-80 Hz oscillations between cortical areas. Here we present a specific higher order cortical model of attentional networks, rhythmic expectancy, and the interaction of hi~her order and primar¥, cortical levels of processing. It accounts for the' mis(cid:173) match negativity' of the auditory ERP and the results of psychological experiments of Jones showing that auditory stream segregation depends on the rhythmic structure of inputs. The timing mechanisms of the model allow us to explain how relative timing information such as the relative order of events between streams is lost when streams are formed. The model suggests how the theories of auditory perception and attention of Jones and Bregman may be reconciled.