Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
Menachem Sadigurschi, Uri Stemmer
We revisit the fundamental problem of learning Axis-Aligned-Rectangles over a finite grid Xd⊆Rd with differential privacy. Existing results show that the sample complexity of this problem is at most min. That is, existing constructions either require sample complexity that grows linearly with \log|X|, or else it grows super linearly with the dimension d. We present a novel algorithm that reduces the sample complexity to only \tilde{O}\left\{d{\cdot}\left(\log^*|X|\right)^{1.5}\right\}, attaining a dimensionality optimal dependency without requiring the sample complexity to grow with \log|X|. The technique used in order to attain this improvement involves the deletion of "exposed" data-points on the go, in a fashion designed to avoid the cost of the adaptive composition theorems.The core of this technique may be of individual interest, introducing a new method for constructing statistically-efficient private algorithms.