Processing math: 16%

On the Sample Complexity of Privately Learning Axis-Aligned Rectangles

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)

Bibtex Paper Reviews And Public Comment » Supplemental


Menachem Sadigurschi, Uri Stemmer


We revisit the fundamental problem of learning Axis-Aligned-Rectangles over a finite grid XdRd with differential privacy. Existing results show that the sample complexity of this problem is at most min. That is, existing constructions either require sample complexity that grows linearly with \log|X|, or else it grows super linearly with the dimension d. We present a novel algorithm that reduces the sample complexity to only \tilde{O}\left\{d{\cdot}\left(\log^*|X|\right)^{1.5}\right\}, attaining a dimensionality optimal dependency without requiring the sample complexity to grow with \log|X|. The technique used in order to attain this improvement involves the deletion of "exposed" data-points on the go, in a fashion designed to avoid the cost of the adaptive composition theorems.The core of this technique may be of individual interest, introducing a new method for constructing statistically-efficient private algorithms.