Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (NeurIPS 2021)
Aditya Bhaskara, Ashok Cutkosky, Ravi Kumar, Manish Purohit
We consider the online linear optimization problem, where at every step the algorithm plays a point xt in the unit ball, and suffers loss ⟨ct,xt⟩ for some cost vector ct that is then revealed to the algorithm. Recent work showed that if an algorithm receives a _hint_ ht that has non-trivial correlation with ct before it plays xt, then it can achieve a regret guarantee of O(logT), improving on the bound of Θ(√T) in the standard setting. In this work, we study the question of whether an algorithm really requires a hint at _every_ time step. Somewhat surprisingly, we show that an algorithm can obtain O(logT) regret with just O(√T) hints under a natural query model; in contrast, we also show that o(√T) hints cannot guarantee better than Ω(√T) regret. We give two applications of our result, to the well-studied setting of {\em optimistic} regret bounds, and to the problem of online learning with abstention.