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The Importance of Sampling inMeta-Reinforcement Learning

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 31 (NeurIPS 2018)

Bibtex Metadata Paper Reviews


Bradly Stadie, Ge Yang, Rein Houthooft, Peter Chen, Yan Duan, Yuhuai Wu, Pieter Abbeel, Ilya Sutskever


We interpret meta-reinforcement learning as the problem of learning how to quickly find a good sampling distribution in a new environment. This interpretation leads to the development of two new meta-reinforcement learning algorithms: E-MAML and E-RL2. Results are presented on a new environment we call `Krazy World': a difficult high-dimensional gridworld which is designed to highlight the importance of correctly differentiating through sampling distributions in meta-reinforcement learning. Further results are presented on a set of maze environments. We show E-MAML and E-RL2 deliver better performance than baseline algorithms on both tasks.