Localizing 3D cuboids in single-view images

Part of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25 (NIPS 2012)

Bibtex Metadata Paper


Jianxiong Xiao, Bryan Russell, Antonio Torralba


In this paper we seek to detect rectangular cuboids and localize their corners in uncalibrated single-view images depicting everyday scenes. In contrast to recent approaches that rely on detecting vanishing points of the scene and grouping line segments to form cuboids, we build a discriminative parts-based detector that models the appearance of the cuboid corners and internal edges while enforcing consistency to a 3D cuboid model. Our model is invariant to the different 3D viewpoints and aspect ratios and is able to detect cuboids across many different object categories. We introduce a database of images with cuboid annotations that spans a variety of indoor and outdoor scenes and show qualitative and quantitative results on our collected database. Our model out-performs baseline detectors that use 2D constraints alone on the task of localizing cuboid corners.