NeurIPS 2019
Sun Dec 8th through Sat the 14th, 2019 at Vancouver Convention Center
Reviewer 1
The paper's writing and figures are of very high clarity and quality. The method is novel and the basic innovation is in the new objective function, which has encoder-decoder dynamics that are intriguing. The area of research is tackling the difficult problem of trying to reconstruct images from human brain activity with recent machine learning and neural network techniques, which is a strong fit for the NeurIPS conference. The results in Figure 4e) are impressive and look like a convincing improvement over Shen et al. 2019 as they do not need a generative model prior at all, but train an end-to-end architecture. The only ImageNet statistics in their network are pretrained low-level AlexNet features (thus also further lowering the potential influence of category set statistics). The fact that I am singling out the results in Fig. 4 e) as being impressive however brings me to the major shortcoming of this work: Target test data was used for training the decoder. I'm not convinced that the fact that there was no clear association between target fMRI and image resolves this problem. The reasons for this are that: * The test sets of the two used data sets consist of 50 and 120 images respectively. The L^DE loss being computed on test could essentially lead to learning to reconstruct the tiny set of test images from fMRI and fMRI from the reconstructed test images. It is unclear what is really being learned here. * Strong evidence for the truth of this statement is that 4e) has visibly diminished quality from the reconstructions where target test was included. It is likely that the model simply has learned by heart to encode(decode(testBOLD)). * The absolute magnitude of the two image losses will be very different from the L^DE loss. I wouldn't be surprised if this loss is dominating the image losses, further increasing the influence of learning to reconstruct the target test data. Also, the underlying motivation for tackling the problem of different train and test statistics in reconstruction data sets is difficult to grasp. Most of the data sets available in the field use test sets that are averaged over multiple repetitions to increase SNR, which indeed leaves the test set with different statistics, which indeed can have a diminishing influence when the aim is reconstruction. This has to be done for different reasons: Partly because the problem is too difficult with currently available brain imaging methodology without artificially reducing noise; partly because the aim of studies like Nishimoto 2011 was testing a certain hypothesis for brain representations (with the reconstruction's aim showing that the model is indeed powerful), needing high-SNR data to lead to correct results. (By the way, to readers unfamiliar with the field the paper should optimally explain why the field is using higher-SNR test data at all.) A general-purpose visual system decoder, which may be the ultimate aim of this research line should adapt to or not expect different statistics in training data and the data that should be reconstructed. So it is unclear whether adapting to different test set statistics is the most important problem to solve.
Reviewer 2
For decoding brain activity observed with fMRI, most methods require lots of stimulus-fMRI pairs. However, the experiments often yield insufficient data for end-to-end learning of the mapping from stimulus to fMRI or vice versa. This paper reports a clever idea, illustrated in Fig. 1, to train an encoder-decoder model with paired fMRI-stimulus data as well as unpaired or unlabeled fMRI or images. - The use of encoder-decoder for fMRI decoding is not new. For example, Han et al., (2019) uses a variational encoder to encode/decode natural images, while linearly mapping the latent variables to/from fMRI patterns. The encoder/decoder is also trained with unlabeled images. The authors' model is perhaps similar, but assumes the latent representation to be identical to the fMRI patterns. - What is novel here is that the fMRI data (without being paired to images) can be used to train the encoder/decoder as well, but reversing the direction of the computational graph. This is clever and inspiring. However, the results do not show any compelling advantage. It is sometimes hard to tell which methods are better based on the reconstructed images, which are nearly equally poor. - Although the method is interesting and has novelty, the neuroscientific insight is limited.
Reviewer 3
There are many choices of hyper parameters, such as alpha, or the choice of the architecture. How to safegard against overfit of the test metric? Given that the test sets are of limited size, it risks happening fast. With regards to the encoding architecture, starting from the images, I would be curious to see how unsupervised training compares to classic pretrained architectures. In equation 3, it is not obvious to me how to balance the three terms of the loss: how it is done in practice, and what are the guiding principles.
Reviewer 4
The authors propose a pipeline for decoding natural images from fMRI recordings. Their specific contributions is clever way to overcome the scarcity of training data in this setting, e.g., of pairs {images,fMRI recordings}. Specifically, they show how to adapt their model in an unsupervised fashion on natural images only and on (test) fMRI data only. They carefully evaluate the performance of their model and compare with the state-of-the-art. This is one of the rare manuscripts where I really have nothing to criticize. The paper is very well written, the proposed model is novel and clever, and the obtained results are (slightly above the) state-of-the-art and critically examined. In my opinion, this is as good as fMRI decoding currently gets, and a clear accept.