Submitted by Assigned_Reviewer_1
Q1: Comments to author(s). First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed reviewing guidelines, see http://nips.cc/PaperInformation/ReviewerInstructions)
The authors identify a strategy for compensating agents to disclose private and relevant data. The strategy draws on interesting ideas from the machine learning literature, including the use of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm to set the payment for the data. This allows effective compensation of agents while maintaining a limited budget. The authors also include mechanisms for preserving the privacy of agents, and identification of different "profit maximizing" strategies for agent to select given their confidence in their data. It appears that the substantive contribution is
in identifying a mechanism that compensates agents for their data while maintaing a bounded budget.
The usefulness of this family of algorithms hinges on timely, available correct information.
If "true samples" will arise only in the distant future, then section 2.3 is not viable (see below), section 2.1 does not seem to offer much advantage over traditional betting markets (modulo the generalizability to more complex prediction function).
Section 3 does not strike me as addressing a fundamentally serious problem: depending on the type of privacy one is concerned with, there seem to be simpler solutions to keep agent i from learning about agent j: (a) anonymized participation (b) anonymized relations between updates and agents (which agent made which trade is not available to other agents)
The really useful contribution here is a generalization of prediction markets to use sophisticated prediction tools, thus allowing for prediction markets to extend far beyond bets on single binary or scalar variables.
This is cool, but in practice it seems like it would offer little motivation for participation, unless the market happened to run along-side a constant stream of true samples, such that rewards could be evaluated quickly.
(If I won't know what my data is bidding on, how much credit it might get, and when the rewards will come, why should i play?)
Section 2.3 (offering to buy data) seems predicated on knowing the loss function of predictions, which means that the correct answers are known.
In that case, what's even the point of bidding on data?
If the answers are not known, then how does one come up with the marginal gain from a given data point?
Seems to be a pretty fundamental catch-22.
There are a few possible ways out of this, but they all seem to open the system up to being gamed: - Use past true samples to evaluate the worth of new training data.
However, then one can simply offer lots of training data to match known past samples, and reap the rewards by generating fake data to overfit past data. - Use some prediction divergence measure to evaluate the utility of new data (i.e., all data that changes my predictions is good).
This can obviously be gamed by generating crazy data to make predictions veer wildly offtrack.
Thus, it seems that the only way to set up a cost function is in light of *future* true samples, and this seems to be a serious limitation insofar as the future is distant.
It absolutely precludes the kind of "selling" scheme in section 2.3
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2 sentences
The authors propose a family of market algorithms that extend prediction markets by rewarding incremental improvements in prediction from contributed data.
This is a really cool idea, however, the practical applications of this seem very limited because the market requires a known Loss function, so if the object of prediction is not known, then there is no way to set up accurate incentives.
Submitted by Assigned_Reviewer_2
Q1: Comments to author(s). First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed reviewing guidelines, see http://nips.cc/PaperInformation/ReviewerInstructions)
Summary: The authors propose adapting tools from the design and analysis of prediction markets to the problem of learning a good hypothesis when the training data is distributed amongst many parties.
The authors also propose modifications to guarantee differential privacy.
In more detail, the authors propose maintaining a current hypothesis, allowing participants to update this hypothesis (various "betting languages" for doing this are considered), and using a family of convex cost functions (parameterized by a domain element x) to charge/reward participants after the final hypothesis is applied to a test data point.
(The choice of the cost functions is dictated by the loss function.)
Differential privacy is added by adapting the state-of-the-art techniques in "continual observation" models (where one want privacy at each time step, without paying linearly in the number of time steps).
Quality: The stitching together of the various models and techniques is competently done.
The paper feels a bit weak on motivation.
The results have a "here's what we know how to do" flavor to them, as opposed to the more traditional "here's a well-motivated problem" and "here's our solution and why it's better than previous/obvious solutions" narrative.
Clarity: The writing quality is reasonably good.
Originality: None of the tools used are original.
Some of their combinations here appear original.
Significance: I find the results modestly significant.
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2 sentences
The authors propose adapting tools from the design and analysis of prediction markets to the problem of learning a good hypothesis when the training data is distributed amongst many parties.
The authors also propose modifications to guarantee differential privacy.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 5000 characters. Note
however, that reviewers and area chairs are busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
Thanks to all the reviewers for their time and
feedback. We provide some specific responses and
Assigned_Reviewer_2: Thank you for your review
and summary which we believe makes good points. Your main criticism
appears to be that you found the work poorly motivated. We agree that the
paper was somewhat light on this matter, but this was a matter of
omission: we do think there is a good deal of motivation for the main goal
of the paper, a mechanism for learning in a decentralized fashion with
privacy guarantees. See for example existing work in crowdsourcing methods
for solving ML problems (e.g. Cai et al, Cummings et al COLT 2015;
Abernethy et al EC 2015; Cummings et al ITCS 2015) and with privacy
guarantees (e.g. Ghosh-Roth EC 2011, Fleisher-Lyu EC 2012, Ligett-Roth
WINE 2012, Ghosh-Ligett-Roth-Schoenebeck EC 2014). Applications include
learning on data about health care, shopping habits, web browsing, etc.
Our motivation is to design a mechanism offering new features compared to
this prior work, such as a bounded budget and a more realistic variety of
learning objectives. We certainly agree that we should include more of
this motivation in the paper itself.
Assigned_Reviewer_3: Thank
you for your review and summary, which we feel is quite accurate. We offer
clarification on privacy (Section 3) and offering to buy data (Section
For Section 3, the question of privacy is potentially serious
and difficult to guarantee robustly. To traders, competitors inferring
their trades can be financially disadvantageous. More importantly, data
holders may be very worried about others gaining knowledge of their
personal information e.g. medical data. In these types of situations,
which arise very commonly in practice, it is hard to see whether (a) and
(b) will be sufficient -- for example, an adversary might control many
fake/computer traders and observe many trades. Simple anonymization often
fails in practice (e.g. Netflix dataset, and countless others since). This
motivates differential privacy as formally guaranteeing both quantifiable
privacy and accuracy (see e.g. the book by Dwork and Roth for more
For Section 2.3, there may be some misunderstanding.
The reviewer is correct that the net payment to participants depends
crucially on the test data / correct answers, which are potentially
revealed far into the future (see below). This payment in fact is broken
into two pieces, however: the "cost", which can be computed immediately,
and the "payoff" (the outcome-dependent value of the purchased securities)
which depends on the test data. Moreover, the gradient-like trade for
"selling data" can also be computed immediately: there is a single loss
function that is selected by the market designer before the market opens
(corresponding to the cost function), and selling a data point means
executing a trade equal to a gradient descent step of that known loss
function using the data point. We do not need any test data to calculate
this descent step, or its cost, just the "training data" provided by the
participants so far. The reason we don't end up with a catch-22 is that
trades are not guaranteed to make the participant money. They should only
sell their data if they expect it to improve the prediction on the test
On the important question of whether distant-future payoffs
are motivating enough, we first note that the reviewer's suggestion to
offer a continuous stream of test data and payments is a straightforward
extension to our model, and so this proposal may address this objection
(and indeed, many ML competitions consist of multiple rounds). Second, we
point out cases where distant payoffs work in practice: crowdsourcing or
machine-learning contest platforms such as kaggle, and prediction markets
such as the Iowa Electronic Market, Betfair, and even SciCast where
payments may only come years later. People do participate in these
platforms despite this sometimes lengthy temporal separation. Our
mechanism would only make participation easier by allowing them to sell
data rather than formulate entire algorithms/predictions. The small
payments might also add up into a continuous revenue stream with
participation in many different markets.