Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper studies how to improve the computational
efficiency of approximate nearest neighbor retrieval methods. The paper
itself has been well summarized in the abstract. It is well-written and
interesting. Moreover, a key contribution is Property 1 where the authors
show their proposed method is applicable to what kind of spaces.
However, the contribution is perhaps not closely related to
learning and neural computing. I do not see learning plays an important
role in the proposed method. The learning in this paper includes simple
sampling and approximating piecewise linear function in very low
dimensional spaces. As a consequence, this paper may not match the
research interests of NIPS very well to me.
** Comment after
authors' feedback **
The authors have clarified my concerns. Now I
see why learning cannot be absent for this method, and why learning in
this method should be simple (in fact learning for the underlying problem
should be simple). Q2: Please summarize your review in
1-2 sentences
This paper studies how to improve the computational
efficiency of approximate nearest neighbor retrieval methods. It is
well-written and interesting. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
Summary: The paper presents a method that learns a
pruning algorithm for a VP-tree, in non-metric spaces. The idea is to
estimate the decision function of the approximate nearest neighbor search
in the VP-tree by sampling, and approximating it with a piecewise linear
function. The learning to prune method is validated for the search
efficiency against relevant baselines for prunning, and outperforms them
substantially when the intrinsic dimensionality of the data is small.
Clarity: The paper is mostly clearly written but sometimes does
not really go into explaining the implementation details and the choice of
some parameters (for example, why choose K=100, m=7, rho=8 and the bucket
size = 10^5? Line 185,227,315)
Originality: Learning to
approximate the approximate nearest neighbor classification on a VP-tree,
to the extent of my knowledge, is the first work that 'learns to prune'
Significance: Nearest neighbor method is a very fundamental topic
in search or classification; thus this learning-to-prune method which
approximates the nearest neighbor search with a non-linear function would
be of some interest to a wide audience.
However, the datasets
chosen for validation for the experiments seem rather simple and have
low-dimensionality, which are far from realistic. (What is the result on
the RCV-256, and SIFT for L2?) Also, whether the proposed method can
achieve the desired the speed-up is not well justified for the metric
space, which limits its application. For fast search in the metric space,
there are existing methods that utilize LSH and embeddings. One relevant
paper is as follows: [31] P. Jain, B. Kulis, K. Grauman, Fast Image Search
for Learned Metrics, CVPR 2008. Q2: Please summarize your
review in 1-2 sentences
The paper presents a novel learning-to-prune method
that approximates the approximate nearest neighbor decision function in a
VP-tree by a non-linear piecewise function learned with sampling, which
results in large gains in speed-up compared to existing methods without
learning. The approach of learning the decision function seems novel and
the method seems to work well at least on the selected datasets, but the
motivation of targeting a non-metric space specifically should be better
justified, since it leaves out relevant baselines to be used for metric
spaces. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper proposes to estimate the decision function
to speed up the nearest neighbor retrieval process for VP-tree. More
specifically the authors propose to do that via a sampling + regression
with piecewise linear function. This strategy works for both metric (e.g.
Euclidean space) and non-metric (eg., some Bregman divergence) space. The
proposed method has been shown to be empirically faster than recently
proposed state-of -the-art in most of the cases. Also, the paper discusses
the applicability of VP-tree.
This method seems to be fairly
reasonable, and can be viewed as an application of basic machine learning
algorithms to search where brute-force evaluation is expensive. The paper
is well organized and clearly written, and the experiments are convincing.
This paper is clearly written, and seems to be reasonably new and
technically sound. Q2: Please summarize your review in
1-2 sentences
This paper proposes to estimate the decision function
to speed up the nearest neighbor retrieval process for VP-tree. More
specifically the authors propose to do that via a sampling + regression
with piecewise linear function. This paper is clearly written, and seems
to be reasonably new and technically sound.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
Dear reviewers,
Thank you for your comments!
First, learning is essential to our method, because there is no
analytical solution for a prunner in generic non-metric spaces. The
algorithm will not work if we remove the learning part.
the learning method should be simple. Otherwise, indexing cost will be
prohibitive and retrieval can be slow. In fact, we do demonstrate that a
previously proposed search method (not based on a learning approach) for
Bregman divergences can be slow due to using a computationally-expensive
pruning function. Simple learning methods work well and it is a promise
that more performance gains can be achieved with better learning
algorithms and pivot-selection techniques.
Third, NN-classifiers
require an efficient NN-searching method. NN-searching methods were
published in proceedings of NIPS several times. Even in cases when these
search methods did not involve learning at all. In particular, the bb-tree
method due to Cayton. Our method can be useful as a NN-classifier and it
does involve learning.
Also note that dimensionality is not
exactly low. SIFT vector dimensionality is 1111. The uniform data set has
a very high INTRINSIC dimensionality (in fact much higher than that of the
SIFT and RCV-* data sets). We do improve over the bb-tree (KL-divergence)
in many cases, even when dimensionality is high.
For the
camera-ready version, we decided to expand the experimental section (and
to shorten the description of the sampling approach that was not very