Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The authors develop fast algorithms to solve the
\ell_1 and \ell_2 linear regression problems, when the design matrix is
block-Vandermonde. The authors show that matrix multiplication with a
block-Vandermonde matrix can be very efficient (Lemmas 9, 10, and 11),
which, with the help of the random embedding matrices proposed in [1] and
[11], allows fast algorithms for solving the particular regression
problems under consideration. Applications include polynomial fitting,
additive models, and random Fourier maps.
Quality Basically
this paper is well-structured, but there is some unnecessary redundancy.
For example, only the first of the two problems for motivating
this work seems relevant to the reviewer, while the second one looks quite
artificial. A lot of existing results mentioned in Section 3 can be
removed without sacrificing the completeness of this paper, and some
proofs appearing in the main text are repeated again in the supplementary
Clarity The results are stated in an imprecise
For example, in Theorems 7 and 12, 13, and 14, the authors
should characterize the convergence rate of the probabilities with respect
to the matrix dimensions precisely, instead of merely saying that the
probability is 0.99. And in Theorems 12, 13, and 14, the authors claim the
proposed algorithms solve the regression problems under consideration, but
do not mention that the solution are not exact, and with a small
probability the solution errors may be unacceptable.
The main theoretical framework is not new, but basically based on the
random embedding matrices proposed in [1] and [11]. The only novel
contribution of this paper is to show that multiplication with a
block-Vandermonde matrix is fast, and thus solving regression problems
with the help of the embedding matrices proposed in [1] and [11], can be
fast. This contribution is incremental in the reviewer’s opinion.
Significance As stated, the theoretical contribution of this
work is limited because of the originality
issue. Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
The authors show that matrix multiplication with a
block-Vandermonde matrix can be very efficient (Lemmas 9, 10, and 11),
which, with the help of the random embedding matrices proposed in [1] and
[11], allows fast algorithms for solving the particular regression
problems under consideration. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper proposes efficient randomization-based
algorithms for solving two types of regression problems -- corresponding
to linear least squares and least absolute deviation fitting over convex
sets -- in settings where the design matrix has a Vandermonde structure.
To the reviewer's best knowledge, incorporating this type of structure
into such randomized algorithmic approaches to linear algebra problems is
novel. Such methods are timely and relevant, given many recent
applications focused on processing and inference in "big data" regimes.
The paper is overall well-written and could, in the opinion of the
reviewer, comprise a solid contribution to the NIPS community, subject to
some minor revisions, described in some detail here.
1) The authors appear unaware of some connections
between the subspace embedding they describe (claimed introduced in [6])
and existing efforts in the sketching literature. Specifically, the matrix
structure described in section 3.1.2 here was previously proposed as a
counting sketch in (Charikar, Moses, Kevin Chen, and Martin Farach-Colton.
"Finding frequent items in data streams." Automata, Languages and
Programming. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2002. 693-703.); see also, e.g.,
the recent survey article (Gilbert, Anna, and Piotr Indyk. "Sparse
recovery using sparse matrices." Proceedings of the IEEE 98.6 (2010):
2) Further, there are implicit connections between the
embedding results on page 5 and the compressive sensing literature.
Namely, ensuring that the l_2 norm of vectors Ax remain preserved is
related under action by a linear operator (here, $\Pi$) is related to the
well-known restricted isometry property, albeit in this case "restricted"
to a single subspace of dimension equal to the number of columns in A;
see, for example, (Candès, Emmanuel J. "The restricted isometry property
and its implications for compressed sensing." Comptes Rendus Mathematique
346.9 (2008): 589-592.), as well as (Baraniuk, Richard, et al. "A simple
proof of the restricted isometry property for random matrices."
Constructive Approximation 28.3 (2008): 253-263.) Likewise, the l_1
preservation relation on page 5 here is related to the l_1-RIP condition
studied in (Berinde, Radu, et al. "Combining geometry and combinatorics: A
unified approach to sparse signal recovery." Communication, Control, and
Computing, 2008 46th Annual Allerton Conference on. IEEE, 2008.).
3) I found the experimental section somewhat unclear.
Specifically, it was not obvious to me specifically what the
classification approach was here. It would be helpful if the authors could
explain this in some more detail.
Minor points:
1) In
several places, including Theorem 6 and Algorithm 2, the authors describe
a matrix of Gaussians. Is there any reason to prefer, e.g., unit variance
2) On page 5, the authors state "The best known value of
$\kappa$, independent of $d$, is $\kappa = O(d^2 \log^2d)." How is this
independent of d?
3) On page 6, "Let L = (i such that a_i \neq 0
and ), and ..." typo?
4) Table 1 in the "CENSUS" data set, the
time is given as 1.4% sec
One Final General Suggestion
may be helpful for the reader to better appreciate the contributions here,
if the authors listed in each step of the proposed algorithm the
corresponding computational complexity. This would be especially helpful
where, e.g., the procedure requires QR decompositions -- this step gave
the reviewer pause, at first viewing.
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
The paper is overall well-written and could, in the
opinion of the reviewer, comprise a solid contribution to the NIPS
community, subject to the revisions detailed above.
Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
NA Q2: Please summarize your review
in 1-2 sentences
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
REVIEWER 1 (Assigned_Reviewer_5):
We can trim
down section 3, without sacrificing completeness, and remove proofs that
are repeated in the supplementary material. We will also state the
convergence rate, that is the dependence on the error probability delta,
though in related papers in the literature delta is often taken to be a
fixed constant, since one can repeat the regression procedure with
independent randomness log 1/delta times to decrease the error probability
to delta.
We are not sure we understand why references [1] and
[11] are stated as the main ones which enable this speedup for structured
regression. Here we critically use the subspace embedding initially
proposed in [6] for achieving input sparsity time embeddings. We observe
that this subspace embedding not only has the property used in [6], but
also has the property that it can be applied to a block Vandermonde matrix
very quickly, in time faster than would be necessary if using the analysis
of [6] as is. That is, the subspace embedding of [6] has additional
important properties, useful for polynomial fitting among other things,
which as far as we are aware do not hold for other subspace embeddings,
e.g., those used in [1] and [11].
(Assigned_Reviewer_6): - Thanks for pointing out the references - we
should and will cite these works in the sketching, streaming, and
compressed sensing literature. (NOTE: The references on compressed sensing
were added only to the supplementary material due to lack of space).
- Regarding the experiments: we set up a regression problem for
each class, setting in the right-hand side +1 for members of the class,
and -1 for member of other classes. We then solve these c (number of
classes) regression problem to obtain w_1, ..., w_c. Now, for a test
vector x we first apply any possible non-linear transformation phi that
was applied to the training set and take the inner product with each of
the w_i's. That is compute phi(x)^T w_1, ..., phi(x)^T w_c. We then select
for this vector the class i that maximized phi(x)^T w_i. This approach to
classification is also referred to as Regularized Least Squares Classifier
(RLSC) in the literature. We will be happy to clarify this point in the
Regarding the minor points: 1) Unit variance Gaussians
are what is intended. That is, the Gaussians are used to estimate the norm
of a vector v, and if g is a vector of unit Gaussians, then < g, v >
is a Gaussian with variance |v|_2^2, so we can estimate |v|_2 using this.
If we use Gaussians with other variance sigma^2, then < g,v > would
have variance sigma^2 |v|_2^2, so we could also estimate |v|_2 from this
quantity, by looking at the expectation of < g,v > ^2 and dividing
by sigma^2.
2) Thanks, that is a typo - should say independent of
3) Thanks, that is a typo - should just say "Let L = (i such
that a_i \neq 0),"
4) Thanks, there should not be a % sign there.
We will list out the time complexities of the various steps. As
for the QR decomposition, the main thing here is that it is done in a
space of dimension that does not depend on n. But yes, we should spell it
Please note that we do report relative
error in objective values with respect to the exact solution, as a
function of sketch size in Figure 1b. We do wish to point out in Figure 1c
that sketching is empirically very effective also for a downstream
application metric, an analysis that is often missing in sketching
literature, and one that would be of interest to NIPS practitioners.
Computational performance is reported in Figure 1a, and a comparison of
four methods on five datasets is provided in table 1. Our empirical study
can definitely be made more exhaustive. We believe its inclusion will lead
to greater practical interest in the paper. However, if the reviewer feels
strongly enough about deferring the experimental section to future work,
we will definitely give it due consideration.
Regarding the
comments towards making improvements:
One: We will be more clear
on what we meant by faster than input sparsity, and didn't mean to cause
confusion. In fact, we can remove the claim. The overall algorithm is not
faster than input sparsity time, which would be impossible to guarantee
relative error, provided the input is represented in a concise way. We
just meant, as in our response to Reviewer 1, that an interesting
previously unexplored property of the mapping of [6] is that it can be
multiplied with a fixed matrix A in time faster than nnz(A) provided that
A has additional structure, which arise in realistic settings. We think
such properties are worth further exploration.
Two: We think the
reviewer is referring to the log^2 q here, and why it doesn't make things
worse. This is because this is multiplying an nnz(A) term, but the matrix
we are applying our sketch to is T_q(A), so previous results would have a
larger nnz(T_q(A)) term. We can definitely clarify this.
Regarding the constrained regression, we meant that to approximately solve
min_x |Ax-b|_p subject to x in C, one can instead solve min_x |SAx-Sb|_p
subject to x in C, where S is a sketching matrix. In the case of l_2, S is
just a subspace embedding. In the case of l_1, S is a sampling and
rescaling matrix which is formed by sampling rows according to their norm
in a well-conditioned basis. Note that since for all x, |SAx-Sb|_p =
(1+eps)|Ax-b|_p, this in particular holds for all x in C.
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