Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper aims at measuring the similarity between
pairs of short texts using a neural network. Each input unit is associated
with a set of words from each text. Each input unit first computes a
bilinear match score from its pair of word sets. Then the rest of the
network is more classical. The connectivity patterns between the network
units, i.e. association of terms to input units and connection between
layers comes from a multi-resolution topic model.
The paper is
clear and reads well. Reference to related work and application motivation
are appropriate. The combination of multi-resolution connectivity
structure and input bilinear match is original and seems to be nice way to
address the targeted problem efficiently. I have a few suggestions to
improve the paper.
** Model Overview **
I feel the analogy
with image patches is not very clear. I would suggest to directly
introduce the fact that you use a hierarchical topic model to build
network connection, define the input layer and show how information
propagate in the network, possibly with a simplified running example. This
is important to understand the paper and this highlight the originality of
your approach. You can take more space for that and drop gradient
computations which are not necessary.
** Structure from LDA **
Getting the network structure from multiresolution LDA involves
several hyperparameters: number of resolutions, number of topics per
resolutions. Then getting sparse connections between words and topics as
well as between topics from different resolutions involve binarizing
continuous probabilities and word overlap measure. How did you pick these
parameters, could you give a sense to the sensibility to this parameter.
In particular, there seem to be a efficiency/effectiveness tradeoff in
this binarization step.
More generally, could you show how
efficient your technique is? For instance, given a computational budget on
could choose to learn (i) a fully connected model (all words are used by
all inputs and the rest of the net is fully connected), or (ii) your
strategy with a sparsely connected model built from the topic DAG. What
would be the impact on the results?
** Hyperparameter Validation
Do you use the same rank from A for all input units? In
particular, it seems that the number of words per input unit and their
frequency varies.
** Typos **
pLSI -> this is confusing
given that Thomas Hoffman introduced a popular model with that name as
well. I would just use LSI there. Inconsistency: NDCG@5 in the text
and NEDCG@6 in the tables.
Q2: Please summarize your
review in 1-2 sentences
The paper is clear and reads well. Reference to
related work and application motivation are appropriate. The combination
of multi-resolution connectivity structure and input bilinear match is
original and seems to be nice way to address the targeted problem
efficiently. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper proposed a combination of bilingual topic
models with a neural network based matching function.
Pros: -
interesting combination
Cons: - overly complicated annotation
and not easy to follow description - the pipeline of running multiple
LDA models with varying number of topics and then the neural network is
not very elegant or principled - I would use a hierarchical topic
model instead. This seems to be a reasonable application for them. -
Generally, I would use the many deep learning based topic models and try
to train the full model jointly. - the evaluation section is very poor
since the datasets are new and not available to the public and the random
baseline scores quite highly too.
are the patches just words from
the different topics?
the figures such as fig. 5 could be clearer
the notation is unnecessarily complicated and not easy to follow, e.g.
a_p(x,y) is used and then only defined several paragraphs later.
if possible, please find a native speaker to proof read, there are
a couple of grammar mistakes, "the remained words", "increasing with
either way"
the claim that deep learning models do not give
matching functions and cannot handle short texts with large vocabularies
is just not true. You even cite the paper by Socher et al. that deals with
large vocabularies and single sentences for paraphrase detection.
what is the speed of your method?
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
This paper proposed a combination of bilingual topic
models with a neural network based matching function.
The results
are hard to replicate since the data is not available and some claims are
not true but there are some interesting ideas in
there. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper proposes an approach to matching short
texts based on using topic modeling to identify the common word
co-occurrence patterns within pairs of matched documents. Topic
modeling is peformed several times using fewer and fewer topics,
producing a hierarchy over topics and thus word co-occurrence
patterns. The heirarchy is then used to define the structure of a
sparsely connected neural network, taking advantage of "semantic
locality". The model is then trained to score correct matches above
incorrect ones.
The approach is novel and potentially interesting,
but is fairly complicated and not very clearly described in the paper.
While the analogy between image patches and word groups of
co-occurring words is probably worth mentioning, using the image patch
terminology throughout the paper is more confusing than helpful.
The experimental section is the weakest point of the paper. The
authors claim that their model performs so well because it is
hierarchical and nonlinear, but the experimental results do not
provide direct evidence for these claims. To substantiate these
claims, DeepMatch should be compared to a linear version of itself
(with all sigmoid units replaced by linear ones) as well as to a
non-hierarchical version of itself (using only one resolution of
topics). Without these comparisons there are several confounding
factors that could potentially explain the superior results obtained
by DeepMatch. As for using existing baselines, it makes more sense to
compare to Supervised Semantic Indexing or Polynomial Semantic
Indexing instead of RMLS, as those methods are trained using the same
margin-based criterion as DeepMatch. The choice of the datasets is
also unfortunate, as they appear to be non-standard and proprietary,
which makes the reported scores difficult to interpret and the results
impossible to reproduce. The authors also do not report several
crucial details such as the latent dimensionality of the models, the
number of topics used, the number hidden units (sigmoid vs. linear),
regularization parameters etc. The description of the hyperparameter
selection procedure on lines 345-48 is a cause for concern as it seems
to suggest that the hyperparemeters where selected on a subset of the
training set, which is likely to result in overfitting. The big gap in
performance between DeepMatch and the siamese network makes me wonder
whether the latter was properly regularized. The mention of "zero
regularization" for that model on line 364 seems to suggest otherwise.
Given the relatively small size of the datasets for the vocabulary
sizes used, proper model regularization is absolutely essential for a
fair comparison.
The gradients given by Eqs. (8) and (9) are not
quite right as they reference y_i instead of y+_i and y-_i. It is
unclear what the potential value (pot^k_p) is. Is it the total input
to a unit?
It appears that DeepMatch used a reduced vocabulary
("trim the words" on line 172). Is this correct and if so, was the
same vocabulary reduction performed for all models?
exactly are the higher-resolution topics are assigned to the
lower-resolution ones?
Were the comparison accuracy scores on
Figure 6 computed on the training data or on the test data? What are
the "correct comparisons" shown on the figure?
The paper
repeatedly uses "localness" instead of the more appropriate
"locality". Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
The idea is potentially interesting, but the write up
is unclear and the experimental evaluation not
convincing. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper proposes a new deep architecture for
matching texts from two categories (such as questions and answers). The
main originality consists in defining the architecture of the neural
network using hierarchical topic models, trained jointly on both text
categories. The topic models are used to define word patches of different
granularities as well as hierarchical connections between them. These
patches and connections then serve as to define the connectivity pattern
of a neural network (later trained by backprop+sgd).
The paper
is fairly written and quite easy to follow.
The main idea of the
paper is neat and original I think. Relying on LDA to define the text
patches is very nice. So is it for deriving the connectivity pattern of
the network.
The main weakness of this paper is the experimental
part. The main assumptions underlying the introduced framework are:
(1) models for dealing with text should take its inherent structure
into account; (2) such structure does not necessarily follow the
ordering of words in the text, nor does it follow any kind of parse tree.
The main originality of the paper concerns (2) since many previous
approaches agree with (1). And here is the problem: to justify claim (2)
(which I am inclined to accept), one should compare with previous
approaches using text structure in the model. But there is no such
comparison (only variants using bag-of-words). Some interesting
comparisons could be:
* siamese networks with ngrams or with parse
tree features (from syntactic or dependency parses). Easy to do and
already considers some structure. * non-linear neural networks that
uses the word ordering as structure (such as in Collobert et al. JMLR
2011). * the RNN of Socher et al. * and how about using directly
the hierarchical topic models to match the short texts?
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
This paper introduces a new nice framework for
"learning" the structure of neural networks dealing with text as input.
Unfortunately, the experiments do not allow to completely assess the
efficiency of this approach.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
We thank all 4 reviewers for their insightful
comments. We are working towards making the data-set publically available
in near future.
To Reviewer 5: 1.We used the same rank for all
the local bi-linear models 2.We agree with the reviewer that a
comparison between different models with fixed “computational budget”
would be quite meaningful
To Reviewer 6: 1.We agree that a
hierarchical LDA is a more elegant choice for finding the architecture of
the model, but other heuristics in the constructing process (eg. assigning
at least k more specific clusters to a more general one) will probably
diminish the elegance of HLDA. 2.To answer the question (“are the
patches just words from the different topics? ”): each patch depicts the
interaction between words from two domains in a concatenated topic in the
``bilingual” topic model. 3.To answer the comment (“the claim that
deep learning models do not give matching functions and cannot handle
short texts with large vocabularies is just not true. You even cite the
paper by Socher et al. that deals with large vocabularies and single
sentences for paraphrase detection. ? ”): Socher et al model (ref[16]) is
based on word embedding and therefore avoids the difficulty brought by the
large vocabulary , but its setting only applies to paraphrase detection.
4.It took about 10 hours training with 100,000 triples on a PC.
To Reviewer 7: 1.We tried several settings of regularization
for the Siamese network, and actually reported the best one (which is not
significantly better than the un-regularized one). Our argument with “zero
regularization” is merely to point out that the inferior performance of
the Siamese network is not due to its lack of model capacity. 2.Yes,
Eq (8) & (9) only give the gradient from a term in the error function,
and therefore incomplete. 3.We thank the reviewer for pointing out the
work of Supervised Semantic Indexing. We didn’t include any comparison to
it since Siamese network is a nonlinear version of it (with same
margin-based objective), but we will include the empirical comparison to
it in the future version. 4.In Section 5.3, we already reported the
performance with several variants of the architectures, which indicates
that a shallower architecture performs worse. We omitted several primitive
ones (eg. the linear combination of local matchings) but will consider
including them in the further version 5.Yes, we use the same reduced
vocabulary for all models. 6.Figure 6 reports the performance on test
To Reviewer 8: 1.We agree with the reviewer that some
comparison to model with natural language structure would be interesting.
However, the current models (e.g Socher et al’s RNN & the C&W’s
RENNA) cannot be directly applied to the matching cases. 2.A
hierarchical topic models would give a multi-resolution representation of
the text, which can be used for learning a matching model. We may consider
including experiments like that in the future version of the paper.