Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
Summary: On its first part the paper deals with
online learning of Markov Decision Processes. Given an MDP and a set of
policies (=distributions over actions) how should one Summary: The
first part of the paper addreses the problem of Online Learning in Markov
Decision Process. In this problem at each iteration: 1) adversary
chooses a loss function and transition kernel (probabilistic function that
chooses the next state based on the currenone and the selected action)
2) the leaner knows the current state x_t and chooses an action a_t.
3) the leaner sees the adversary choices and suffers the loss 4)
the next state is sampled. The goal of the learner is to minimize the
regret w.r.t. PI - a set of action selction policies The authors
propose an algorithm which is a variant of the Shrinking Dartboard
algorithm and show a bound of O((Tlog|PI|)^{1/2}).
The second part
of the paper addreses the Adersarial Online Shortest Path Problem. Here at
each iteration the learner is presented with a graph with source,
destinations and all other nodes in layers structure. The Learner
chooses a path from source to dest. and then the weights of the edges is
revealed and the loss of the learner is defined as the sum of weights
along the chosen path. The goal of the learner is to minimize the
regret w.r.t. a set of path choosing policies. The main contribution
on this part is by showing that if both the graph and weights are chosen
by an adversary at each stage this problem is as hard as the online
agnostic parity problem (which is assumed to be a hard problem).
Quality & Clarity
The results presented in the paper
seem new and interesting to me. However, 2 points bothered me during
the reading: 1) It would be helpful if the explanation of the
difference between the online MDP problem and standard online problems
(lines 200-204) will appear much earlier and would be a bit longer than 2
sentences. 2) The connection between the 2 parts of the paper is not
obvious to the learner. The authors state that Online Shortest Path is a
special case of MDP. I assume that this is correct but expect that such
claim will be accompanied by a short explanation (States are:..., Actions
are:... Loss function:...) (I haven't read the Supplementary material)
Originaluty & Significance I'm not familiar with previous
results on this problem. The hardness proof might be useful for other
works in the area
Comments: 1) In Remark 3 the authors
claim that a bound for determintic policies won't apply a bound w.r.t. the
optimal policy. I'm not sure that I understand this claim: as far as I
know a regret of an algorithm is always measured w.r.t. a set of competing
policies. Hence, a bound on the regret of every deterministic policy will
imply an optimal regret w.r.t. any deterministic policy. I undrstand that
there might be some stochastic policy which is better but this policy is
not part of the competing group of policies. 2) In the hardness
results the authors mention several times "noisy parity" however, I didn't
find where the noise is mentioned. (Did you mean that the labeling y is
sometime flipped? Is it matters how is is flipped?)
Line 64 defines policy as mapping from actions intead of a mapping
from states (as in line 135) Figure1:OMDP algo: W_0 is undefined,
w_{pi_0},-1 is undefined. Line 178: This notion of regret w.r.t.
specific policy wasn't defined previously. (and appears a lot in the
paper) Line 367: A denotes an algorithm while earlier it was used for
the set of possible actions. Line 412: Did you define earlier N as the
set of all nodes? Line 412 at the end: shouldn't the l in Q_{pi, g l}
be changed to c?
Q2: Please summarize your review in
1-2 sentences
A good paper, however the presentation of the results
should be improved. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The paper is about adversarial settings of MDPs.
While such problems as stochastic online prediction and bandits
have their adversarial formulations, the problem of learning MDPs
thus far had only limited adversarial formulations: the transitions
were assumed stochastic and the only rewards were considered
adversarial. The present paper looks into what can be done if the
transitions are adversarial as well.
It presents some positive
results and a negative (hardness) result.
The main positive result
concerns a setting where at each step the transition probability
kernel is selected by an adversary, and is entirely revealed after the
agent has made an action. The performance is compared to the imaginary
performance of a set of experts that experience the same sequence of
transition kernels. Under some additional assumptions, notably, a
uniform (over all policies and all transition kernels) mixing
assumption, a sqrt(T) regret bound is obtained for an
online-learning-style algorithm presented.
The most important
feature in this setting is that the transition kernel is revealed
after each action. This makes the the expected loss of each expert
available to the learner. This feature allows the authors to reduce
the problem to the online learning problem. Most of the "learning"
part of the problem is thus removed: what has to be learned concerns
the loss of the experts over time, rather than something about the "MDP."
In particular, the choice of the resulting policy is independent of
the observed states.
I think this makes the setting rather
limited. However, the fact that the setting for the positive result is
limited is justified by the negative result presented.
addition, I think that labelling this problem "adversarial" is somewhat
misleading, since the sequence of transition kernels is fixed and is
the same for all experts. Had the adversary been really playing
against each of the experts, he could have chosen a different sequence
for each of them, changing the performance/losses completely. However,
this general remark applies to all problems called "adversarial" in the
literature, and therefore I do not blame the authors for using this
I think this negative (hardness) result is the
most interesting part of the paper. It shows that learning noisy
parities - a notoriously hard problem used in cryptography - can be
reduced to an adversarial version of the shortest path problem. The latter
is a special case of learning MDPs with adversarial transitions.
The authors point out that another hardness result had previously been
claimed but later retracted.
The comparison class of
experts in this adversarial shortest path problem is that of all
deterministic policies. For general classes of experts the authors
also provide a regret bound that scales linearly with the number
experts (so it is useful if the class of experts is much smaller than
that of all deterministic policies).
To summarize, the paper
provides some positive and a negative results concerning learning in
MDPs with adversarially chosen transitions. While the positive results
appear somewhat limited, altogether the paper gives a good insight in
what is possible and what is not possible in this problem. The
hardness result appears especially
interesting. Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
To summarize, the paper provides some positive and a
negative results concerning learning in MDPs with adversarially chosen
transitions. While the positive results appear somewhat limited,
altogether the paper gives a good insight in what is possible and what is
not possible in this problem. The hardness result appears especially
interesting. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
The authors consider a general class of MDPs where
loss functions and state dynamics are chosen by an adversary. The
derive an algorithm with a guarantee of sublinear regret with respect
to a bounded set of competing policies. Additionally, an algorithm
with sublinear regret is derived for an episodic version of the
shortest path problem. Lastly, a hardnress result is presented for the
design of efficient sublinear regret algorithms for the fully
adversarial version of the online shortest path problem.
of the paper consists of theorem statements and a discussion of their
implications. Proofs are left to the supplementary section, although
proof sketches are provided.
Thm 1 provides a sublinear regret
bound that has a term which is scaled by the inverse of the bound on
the mixing time plus an additive term related to the size of the
reference policy set.
The discussion in section 4 regarding Thm 5
is interesting. Given that the SPP is a special case of the online MDP
problem the implication that a computationally efficient algorithm
exists, although this appears to be an informated conjecture rather
than a proof.
The paper as written is clear and interesting.
Unfortunately, it appears to be incomplete. It ends abruptly at the
statement of theorem 7 with no follow up discussion. I am assuming a
formatting issue. If not for this, my rating would be higher.
minor comments:
Thm 1 - I assume that R_T is the regret
after T rounds, but this is not defined until later (and only implicitly).
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
We thank all reviewers for their helpful feedback.
We will explain in more details the
differences between online MDP and standard online problems and also make
the connection between the 2 parts of the paper more clear. Thanks also
for spotting the typos. We will correct them.
In Remark 3, by
optimal policy, we meant the optimal policy in the class of stationary
policies. We wanted to emphasize that a low regret wrt deterministic
policies does not imply a low regret wrt stationary policies. We will
clarify this distinction.
Noisy Parity: Here, we mean that the
labels may be arbitrary (agnostic) and the goal is to predict
competitively with respect to the "best" parity function. We appreciate
the point that the current write-up may be a bit confusing to NIPS-readers
not familiar with computational learning theory, and will improve the
writing in the next version.
It is
true that the choice of policy is independent of the observed state, but
it is not clear that this is really a limitation. At the end the algorithm
outputs a policy, which takes the state into account. The regret suffered
by the algorithm is defined in terms of the actual sequence of states
encountered. We acknowledge that observing transition kernels can be a
strong assumption in some problems. Estimating expected losses without
such an assumption seems very challenging.
We will save space elsewhere to be able to add a short discussion
after Theorem 7. We think this is relatively easy to fix.