Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper proposes stochastic versions of
majorization-minimization (MM) schemes for optimization (convex or
non-convex), derives convergence rates for several scenarios, and reports
experimental results on large-scale problems. The paper is well written,
in a very precise and clear way, and it contains significant and
high-quality work. In more than one sense, this paper builds upon and
extends the work of [19], but this does not diminish its relevance, since
the stochastic version of MM (as the authors correctly claim) requires a
significantly more involved analysis.
Q2: Please
summarize your review in 1-2 sentences
As stated above, I believe this is a high-quality
piece of work, with a relevant contribution to large-scale optimization
methods for machine learning. I definitely recommend acceptance.
Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
Majorization-minimization methods often arise in
machine learning; the EM algorithm and the proximal gradient method are
just two examples. The purpose of this paper is to present a stochastic
version of this scheme that can handle large-scale problems. Overall, this
is an interesting paper and the experimental results, especially on sparse
logistic regression, are encouraging.
Some specific comments:
(*) I might suggest changing the title of the paper to make it
more inviting to a wider audience [note: published version has been
changed from the original].
(*) On the top of page 3, it is worth
fleshing out exactly what a proximal gradient step is and explicitly
giving the expression prox_{f_2}(...) that is obtained.
Algorithm 1 is clearly presented and easy to understand, but it is worth
making a bit clearer up front in the text what the three options are
referring to.
(*) Some more motivation on the regularizer
mentioned in 4.2 would help.
(*) Some additional discussion would
help in section 3 to motivate the design of Algorithm 1. In particular,
some (even brief) commentary on how to think about the approximate
surrogate, its the weighted updates for each example, and the different
averaging schemes for the weights would be worthwhile.
Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
This is an interesting paper, but a few details should
be fleshed out more, and overall, it would be helpful if the authors made
some more effort to make the paper a bit more inviting and readable for a
wider audience. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
Summary: This paper suggests a stochastic
algorithm based on majorization-minimization principle, i.e., iteratively
minimizing a majorizing surrogate of an objective function, for convex,
strongly convex and also certain non-convex (DC) optimization problems.
The majorization-minimization principle is known to underlie a number of
known algorithms such as expectation-maximization (EM). The theoretical
results are also supported with various numerical experiments.
Quality: Overall the problem is well-motivated and the
conditions used in the analyses, theoretical developments and their proofs
(I did not check the ones used for the math background) seem correct. Yet
the paper is missing a number of quite related literature on first order
methods for nonconvex problems such as “Stochastic first-and zeroth-order
methods for nonconvex stochastic programming“ by Ghadimi and Lan. Also the
logarithmic loss in Corollary 3.2 due to decreasing step sizes indicates
this method is not an optimal algorithm. The same is true for strongly
convex function case given in Proposition 3.2. This should perhaps be
emphasized a bit clearer.
The paper seems to be very closely
connected with the reference [19]. The authors should state for each
proposition, lemma, etc., whether they were from [19] or not, or whether
the corresponding analysis from [19] easily extends to this case or not.
The numerical results seem promising. Yet there is a caveat
between the theory presented and numerical results. First of all, almost
all of the theory is built upon assuming that the domain of the
optimization problem to be solved is bounded, i.e., for the stepsizes
theoretically analyzed one needs to know an upper bound on
\|\theta^*-\theta_0\|_2 where \theta^* is t he optimum solution and
\theta_0 is the initial point. Also this quantity naturally occurs, as is
the case with other first order methods, in the convergence rates. Yet in
the experiments, all of the problems tested have unbounded domains.
Moreover, the convergence analysis of the algorithms are carried over for
specific stepsize rules, i.e., {\gamma\over \sqrt{n}} etc. On the other
hand, the step size rules used in the experiments have quite different
forms, and changes from problem to problem. I think this is a bit
disturbing. The authors should either give justification for the step
sizes used in the experiments theoretically or should use the ones they
have build the theory for (at least for comparison purposes, they should
be included in the experiments, anyway). Comparisons against FISTA is nice
yet there are better (optimal) algorithms for strongly convex functions,
and comparisons against those should also be presented.
The paper is mostly written in a clear fashion, with a reasonable
logical structure. On the other hand, reading the supplemental material is
almost essential in terms of digesting the notation, etc. I guess given
the page limitation, there is no other way to fix this issue either. There
are a few minor typos, grammatical errors. Also certain terms and notation
such as DC or use of options 2 & 3 in Algorithm 1,
$\overline{f}_n(\cdot)$ should be introduced earlier.
& Significance: Despite the connections with the existing
algorithms, to the best of my knowledge the results seem original and
valuable (especially in the nonconvex case).
Minor issues: a.
On page 4, line 180: “For space limitation details, all proofs…” should be
“For space limitation all proofs…” b. On page 4, line 198:
\log(\sqrt(n) should be \log(n) c. On page 5, before Proposition 3.5,
stating the motivation for the special partially separable structure
considered in Proposition 3.5 will be nicer. d. On page 6, lines
284-285, description of the step size rule is confusing. How do you select
w_n? e. On page 6, how did you decide on the sizes of the training and
test sets for the datasets? f. On page 7, line 234 define what an
``epoch” is g. On page 10, line 491: “notation as us” should be
“notation to us” h. On page 14, line 715: “function” should be
“functions” i. On page 14, line 721: ”For … f^*+\mu A_0” should be
“for … f^*+\mu A_1” j. On page 16, line 821: “this” should be “these”
k. On page 16, line 823: f(\theta_{k-1}) should be E[f(\theta_{k-1})]
l. On page 16, line 863: \log(\sqrt{n}) should be \log(n) m. On
page 17, line 867: \log(\sqrt{n}) should be \log(n) n. On page 17,
line 901: w_n\leq 1 is also used in this derivation. It should be
mentioned. o. On page 17, line 908: {… \over \rho\delta} should be {…
\over \rho^2\delta} Q2: Please summarize your review in
1-2 sentences
I believe this paper presents an interesting approach
in a clear and articulate manner and contains several new ideas, and could
be accepted for publication if the main issues raised in the Quality
section of my report is resolved.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
The following rebuttal significantly differs from the
original one since it was mostly containing technical details concerning
the first version of the paper, which can be found here
Overall, I found the reviews
useful and of high quality, leading to significant improvements of the
paper in terms of readability. The changes between the first and final
version of the paper are the following: - new more ``inviting'' title.
- additional references. - several clarifications added in the
paper. - corrections of typos that led to some confusion. - a more
``practical'' presentation of the convergence rates, which do not require
anymore an unknown learning rate. - some precisions in the
experimental section to alleviate a discrepancy between the theoretical
and experimental results. Some of the remaining reviewer's points will
be addressed in a longer version of the paper (under preparation).
We also note that our C++ implementation is now included in the
SPAMS software. http://spams-devel.gforge.inria.fr/
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