Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
Previously it has been shown that do-calculus is a
sound inferential machinery for estimating a causal effect from a causal
diagram and a set of observations and interventions. This paper further
proves that it is not only sound, but also complete, meaning that every
valid equality between probabilities defined on a semi-Markovian graph can
be obtained through finite applications of the three rules of do-calculus.
Moreover, the paper studies mz-transportability, which unifies those
previously studied special cases of meta-identifiability. The authors
proposed a complete algorithm to determine if a causal effect is
mz-transportable, and if it is, outputs a transport formula for estimating
the causal effect.
This paper is well written and made a clear
contribution to identification and meta-transportability of causal
effects. I enjoyed reading the paper, and have some comments regarding the
presentation. A weakness is that the relationship between the present work
and previous work is not clearly discussed. For instance, in Section 3 ,
it would be very helpful if the authors could make it explicit how their
completeness result of do-calculus is more general than that is given in
[16]. Furthermore, it is inevitable that the paper gives a number of
definitions, but for better readability to people from other fields, it
would be appreciated if the authors could give the intuition behind
certain concepts (such as hedge).
Minor points: 1. Line 145:
"(the) minimum observations of p and q." 2. Line 161: "(for)
P(y=1|do(y=0)))." 3. Line 208: "abd (the) rest." 4. Line 216: "A
domain-specifc selection variables." 5. Line 247: "conditioning
variable in do-terms are." 6. Line 373: Here it is the first time that
the authors have used mzTR; please refer to Figure
2. Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2 sentences
A nice and solid paper. I enjoying reading
it. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
A semi-Markovian graph induces equivalence classes of
probabilistic expressions that hold for every distribution that respects
the graph structure. (for example [p(y|do(x))] = [p(y)] for every
distribution p on a graph G: X->Y) In the first part of the paper,
the authors prove that equality of equivalence classes [p] = [q] can be
determined by applying three manipulation rules (the do-calculus) a finite
number of times. (hence, the do-calculus is complete) In the second
part they use their result to design an algorithm that decides the
transportability of results across multiple domains. By this, it is meant
that the algorithm decides, whether an interventional probability can be
obtained from studies that have taken place under slighty different
conditions (e.g. varying exogeneous variables, varying structural
functions). Based on previous work, this variation of conditions can be
formalized through so called selection diagrams. Since these are
semi-Markoviaan graphs the result of the first part of the paper can be
used to prove completeness of the proposed algorithm that is based on the
I am not able give guarantees on the mathematical
correctness of the proofs.
Significance The results of the
paper are significant since the completeness of the do-calculus proves the
completeness of algorithms based on the three manipulation rules. Also
the author's definition of mz-transportability subsumes a number of
different notions of transportability and is decidable through the
presented algorithm.
Originality Completeness of the
do-calculus for semi-markovian models has only been known for the problem
of identification of expressions p(y|do(x)) and not for general
probabilistic expressions, like p(y|do(x),z).
Clarity: In my
opinion the paper is written for a very specialized audience. The style is
formal, it is highly incremental, not self-contained (referencing the
literature, instead of repeating/motivating definitions, maybe partly do
to space constraints). The results could be made accessible to a wider
audience (parts of the introduction are
redundant) Q2: Please summarize your review in 1-2
Results of the paper are important (completeness of
do-calculus for semi-Markovian models and a new notion of transportability
together with an algorithm to decide it) However, the presentation is
very dense, depends on previous work (not self-contained) and could be
made accessible to a wider audience. Submitted by
Q1: Comments to author(s).
First provide a summary of the paper, and then address the following
criteria: Quality, clarity, originality and significance. (For detailed
reviewing guidelines, see
This paper showed the completeness of do-calculus for
nonparametric estimation of a causal effect in a semi-Markovian graph
structured causal diagram to which an arbitrary set of interventional and
observation distributions conforms. It introduced a problem to infer a
causal effect of treatment variables on observables in a target domain by
combining data from experiments on simultaneously controllable subsets of
variables from multiple domains and formulated it as mz-transportability.
It further presented a complete algorithm for determining causal effects.
Quality of the paper This paper showed the completeness of
do-calculus in a semi-Markovian causal graph in a very generic setting.
This consequence clarifies the conditions for the valid causal inference
and ensures the validity of the causal inference under the condition. It
further formulate a measure named mz-transportability and an algorithm to
provide a transport formula for estimating the causal effect. These
consequences provides a firm basis of the causal inference. In this
regard, the work presented in this paper is highly meaningful.
Mathematical formulations and their associated proofs seem to be
valid, and thus their technical quality is considered to be high.
However, the contents of the paper seem to be too much to fill in the
limited length. We could not follow the explanations and the mathematical
derivations perfectly since there are some significant explanation gaps
because of the limited space for the explanation. For example, at the
beginning of the subsection 4.1, the authors claim that "We use the
notational conventions and definitions for causal models introduced in [2,
15, 12]." In this sense, this paper is not self-contained. In addition, in
the latter half of the subsection 4.2, the authors missed to explain the
definition of "c-componets". Moreover, the entire description of the paper
lacks the explanation through some comprehensible examples. The use of the
examples eases a lot the comprehension of the readers particularly in this
type of theoretical papers. Though these are issues of the paper
presentation, this affect the value of the paper.
Clarity The
explanation and the proofs provided in the paper seems mathematically
rigorous. However, as pointed out above, the contents of the paper is too
much for the NIPS page limitation. The characterization of the
mz-transportation can be far more reduced to provide some basis only for
the algorithm in the subsection 4.3. The characterization can be presented
in its journal paper version. By presenting the essential skeleton of the
contents, the authors can show sufficient value of this study.
Originality The mathematical and technical quality of this
paper seems high. However, the scope of the paper is rather incremental,
and it does not provide entirely novel principles in this research field.
Significance The consequence of this paper widely enables
causal analysis over multiple domains while ensuring the identifiability
of the causal structures. The paper is significant in this regard. But,
the paper does not include any experimental validation of the proposed
consequences. If some numerical experiments applying the proposed
algorithms were demonstrated, the significance of the result could be more
clearly indicated. Q2: Please summarize your review in
1-2 sentences
The technical consequence provided in this paper is
rigorous and potentially significant for the wide applicability of causal
inference. However, the paper does not provide sufficient explanations of
mathematical definitions and comprehensive examples. It further failed to
demonstrate the validation of the results through comprehensive examples
including some numerical experiments.
rebuttal: Please respond to any concerns raised in the reviews. There are
no constraints on how you want to argue your case, except for the fact
that your text should be limited to a maximum of 6000 characters. Note
however that reviewers and area chairs are very busy and may not read long
vague rebuttals. It is in your own interest to be concise and to the
The paper was changed including the addition of some
authors. We tried to adhere to the reviewers suggestions as much as
possible, but the structure of the paper changed, significant parts were
removed and others were added to the manuscript.